Perspectives num. 5

16 April 2018

After a long time without publishing a Perspectives, we are back to make a new installment of our collection of interesting links, products, projects, services, etc. Here we go!

Bulletin, from Google

A new Google service (currently only available in some areas of the United States) that promises to be an app to contribute to hyperlocal stories about your community.

Newsletter Website

Golden Kitty Awards 2017

It’s over in 2017 and once again Product Hunt has made its compilation of the most outstanding projects and creators of the year. All in the form of the "Golden Kitty Awards", its annual awards ceremony in recognition of people and products in different categories.

Golden Kitty Awards

The State of UX for 2018

An article that makes a long but careful reflection, with predictions on UX for this year 2018. An article by Anthony Miller that deals with navigation, understanding, animations, videos, intelligent emotional design as main topics , content, authentication, personalization, payments, augmented reality, and virtual reality

Link to article

19 web design trends for 2018

One more forecast. This time from the blog of webflow, who make a bet to make their prediction about the design trends, techniques and tools that will define the design of web pages and digital products during this 2018 .

Link to article